Google’s foobar challenge is a series of programming challenges created by Google in order to find potential new hires. To take part, you must be invited through one of two ways: Googling certain programming-related keywords to trigger an invite, or receiving an invite from someone who has already taken part - each participant can invite up to 2 other people depending on their progress in the challenge. In my case, I was invited by a friend - thanks Mike!
The challenge is split into 5 levels. Each level has a number of challenges that must be completed in order to progress to the next level:
- Level 1: 1 challenge
- Level 2: 2 challenges
- Level 3: 3 challenges
- Level 4: 2 challenges
- Level 5: 1 challenge
The difficulty of the challenges increases with the level. The challenges must be completed within a given time-frame, ranging from a week to a month depending on the level. To complete a challenge, you must submit Python (or Java) code that will pass a number of test cases within time constraints. To make things more interesting, most of the test cases are hidden.
Below I will describe each challenge I received (there are many more challenges, but each participant is given a random subset for each level) and give a brief outline of how I solved it.
Table of Contents
Level 1
There’s some unrest in the minion ranks: minions with ID numbers like “1”, “42”, and other “good” numbers have been lording it over the poor minions who are stuck with more boring IDs. To quell the unrest, Commander Lambda has tasked you with reassigning everyone new, random IDs based on her Completely Foolproof Scheme.
She’s concatenated the prime numbers in a single long string: “2357111317192329…”. Now every minion must draw a number from a hat. That number is the starting index in that string of primes, and the minion’s new ID number will be the next five digits in the string. So if a minion draws “3”, their ID number will be “71113”.
Help the Commander assign these IDs by writing a function solution(n) which takes in the starting index n of Lambda’s string of all primes, and returns the next five digits in the string. Commander Lambda has a lot of minions, so the value of n will always be between 0 and 10000.
The first - and only - challenge of level 1 was fairly easy. In order to find the necessary prime numbers, I used an algorithm known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes. This algorithm iteratively finds prime numbers up to a given limit. In my case, I didn’t know what the limit would be, so I used a slightly modified version.
def solution(i):
primes = []
prime_str = ""
current_number = 2
while len(prime_str) < i + 5:
# Check if current number is a multiple of any found primes.
prime_factors = [prime for prime in primes if current_number % prime == 0]
# If not, current number is a new prime.
if len(prime_factors) == 0:
prime_str += str(current_number)
current_number += 1
return prime_str[i:i+5]
The algorithm works by checking numbers one-by-one, starting at 2 and going up. For each number, it checks if it’s a multiple of any previously discovered primes. If this is the case, then the number is not a prime; if this is not the case, then the number is a prime. The number can then be added to the list of discovered primes and concatenated to the end of the prime string.
Once the prime string is sufficiently long, the program returns the appropriate substring and voilà, the first challenge is successfully solved!
Level 2
Commander Lambda uses an automated algorithm to assign minions randomly to tasks, in order to keep her minions on their toes. But you’ve noticed a flaw in the algorithm - it eventually loops back on itself, so that instead of assigning new minions as it iterates, it gets stuck in a cycle of values so that the same minions end up doing the same tasks over and over again. You think proving this to Commander Lambda will help you make a case for your next promotion.
You have worked out that the algorithm has the following process:
- Start with a random minion ID n, which is a nonnegative integer of length k in base b
- Define x and y as integers of length k. x has the digits of n in descending order, and y has the digits of n in ascending order
- Define z = x - y. Add leading zeros to z to maintain length k if necessary
- Assign n = z to get the next minion ID, and go back to step 2
For example, given minion ID n = 1211, k = 4, b = 10, then x = 2111, y = 1112 and z = 2111 - 1112 = 0999. Then the next minion ID will be n = 0999 and the algorithm iterates again: x = 9990, y = 0999 and z = 9990 - 0999 = 8991, and so on.
Depending on the values of n, k (derived from n), and b, at some point the algorithm reaches a cycle, such as by reaching a constant value. For example, starting with n = 210022, k = 6, b = 3, the algorithm will reach the cycle of values [210111, 122221, 102212] and it will stay in this cycle no matter how many times it continues iterating. Starting with n = 1211, the routine will reach the integer 6174, and since 7641 - 1467 is 6174, it will stay as that value no matter how many times it iterates.
Given a minion ID as a string n representing a nonnegative integer of length k in base b, where 2 <= k <= 9 and 2 <= b <= 10, write a function solution(n, b) which returns the length of the ending cycle of the algorithm above starting with n. For instance, in the example above, solution(210022, 3) would return 3, since iterating on 102212 would return to 210111 when done in base 3. If the algorithm reaches a constant, such as 0, then the length is 1.
The first challenge of level 2 was also relatively easy, despite the long challenge description. To solve it, I wrote two functions. The first one calculates the next value of n (the minion ID), using the rules specified. The only complexity here was converting numbers between bases, but even that was not too difficult ultimately.
def calculate_next_n(n, b):
k = len(n)
digits = [int(d) for d in n]
x = sorted(digits, reverse=True)
y = sorted(digits)
num_x = 0
num_y = 0
for i in range(k):
num_x += (b**i) * x[k-i-1]
num_y += (b**i) * y[k-i-1]
num_z = num_x - num_y
z = []
for i in range(k-1, -1, -1):
quotient = int(num_z / (b**i))
num_z -= (b**i) * quotient
new_n = "".join(z)
return new_n
The second function is the one that actually solves the problem. This too was not overly complex. All of the n’s (minions IDs) that appear in the sequence are stored in a list. When a new n is generated (using the previous function), the list is checked to see if that value of n has already appeared, indicating a cycle. The cycle can then be found by taking a slice of the n list and it’s length can be determined.
def solution(n, b):
cycle = False
n_list = [n]
while not cycle:
next_n = calculate_next_n(n, b)
if next_n in n_list:
cycle = True
n = next_n
cycle_list = n_list[n_list.index(n):]
cycle_length = len(cycle_list)-1
Commander Lambda’s space station is HUGE. And huge space stations take a LOT of power. Huge space stations with doomsday devices take even more power. To help meet the station’s power needs, Commander Lambda has installed solar panels on the station’s outer surface. But the station sits in the middle of a quasar quantum flux field, which wreaks havoc on the solar panels. You and your team of henchmen has been assigned to repair the solar panels, but you can’t take them all down at once without shutting down the space station (and all those pesky life support systems!).
You need to figure out which sets of panels in any given array you can take offline to repair while still maintaining the maximum amount of power output per array, and to do THAT, you’ll first need to figure out what the maximum output of each array actually is. Write a function solution(xs) that takes a list of integers representing the power output levels of each panel in an array, and returns the maximum product of some non-empty subset of those numbers. So for example, if an array contained panels with power output levels of [2, -3, 1, 0, -5], then the maximum product would be found by taking the subset: xs[0] = 2, xs[1] = -3, xs[4] = -5, giving the product 2(-3)(-5) = 30. So answer([2,-3,1,0,-5]) will be “30”.
Each array of solar panels contains at least 1 and no more than 50 panels, and each panel will have a power output level whose absolute value is no greater than 1000 (some panels are malfunctioning so badly that they’re draining energy, but you know a trick with the panels’ wave stabilizer that lets you combine two negative-output panels to produce the positive output of the multiple of their power values). The final products may be very large, so give the answer as a string representation of the number.
The second challenge of level 2 proved no more difficult than the first. My solution starts by checking the length of the power level list: if the list contains only one element, then the maximum power output will be the power level of that element, regardless of what it is. Otherwise, the program iterates over the elements of the list, calculating their combined product. Note that 0’s are ignored, since they would make the product 0 as well if included. The program also keeps track of the number of negative and positive numbers, and the smallest negative number found; this will be useful later on.
def solution(xs):
if len(xs) == 1:
return str(xs[0])
product = 1
smallest_negative = -float("inf")
num_of_negatives = 0
num_of_positives = 0
for x in xs:
if x < 0:
product *= x
num_of_negatives += 1
if x > smallest_negative:
smallest_negative = x
elif x > 0:
product *= x
num_of_positives += 1
if (num_of_negatives > 0) and (num_of_negatives % 2 != 0):
product /= smallest_negative
if num_of_positives == 0 and num_of_negatives < 2:
product = 0
return str(product)
Intuitively, we want to include as many numbers as possible if we are trying to find the maximum product. However, we need to check the number of negative numbers we have: otherwise we might end up with a negative product. If there is an odd number of negative numbers, we need to discard one of them. More specifically, we wish to discard the smallest negative number (i.e. that one that is closest to 0), as it contributes the least to the size of the product.
There is another case that needs to be considered: what if there are no positive numbers and less than two negative numbers (if there are 2 or more, it’s no problem since the product of 2 negatives is positive). In other words, what if we have one negative number and one or more 0’s? Since we ignored 0’s when calculating the product before, the current product would be the negative number. But this is less preferable than having a product of 0, which would have happened if we had included the 0’s in the calculation.
Level 3
Commander Lambda has asked for your help to refine the automatic quantum antimatter fuel injection system for her LAMBCHOP doomsday device. It’s a great chance for you to get a closer look at the LAMBCHOP - and maybe sneak in a bit of sabotage while you’re at it - so you took the job gladly.
Quantum antimatter fuel comes in small pellets, which is convenient since the many moving parts of the LAMBCHOP each need to be fed fuel one pellet at a time. However, minions dump pellets in bulk into the fuel intake. You need to figure out the most efficient way to sort and shift the pellets down to a single pellet at a time.
The fuel control mechanisms have three operations:
- Add one fuel pellet
- Remove one fuel pellet
- Divide the entire group of fuel pellets by 2 (due to the destructive energy released when a quantum antimatter pellet is cut in half, the safety controls will only allow this to happen if there is an even number of pellets)
Write a function called solution(n) which takes a positive integer as a string and returns the minimum number of operations needed to transform the number of pellets to 1. The fuel intake control panel can only display a number up to 309 digits long, so there won’t ever be more pellets than you can express in that many digits.
For example:
solution(4) returns 2: 4 -> 2 -> 1
solution(15) returns 5: 15 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
Level 3 is where things started to get interesting. It took me some time and experimentation before I figured this one out. The key here was to consider the number of pellets in binary notation. Dividing a binary number by 2 essentially shifts all the bits to the right, discarding the rightmost bit (which is 0, as the number needs to be even).
Since the goal is to get to 1 pellet in as least steps as possible, dividing by 2 is intuitively the preferred option. But what if the number is odd - is it better to add 1 or subtract 1? My first thought was that subtraction is preferred, since it makes the number smaller and therefore closer to 1. Of course, it’s not that simple; sometimes adding 1 turns out to be more efficient. This is only the case when the last two bits of the number are both 1. In this situation, adding 1 will cause a chain reaction where all consecutive rightmost 1 bits become 0 bits. This then allows for multiple (at least 2) consecutive division operations, which as we know are the best option.
def solution(n):
n = int(n)
n_bin = bin(n)[2:]
counter = 0
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n /= 2
elif n == 3: # edge case where the rule below does not apply
n -= 1
elif n_bin[-1] == "1" and n_bin[-2] == "1":
n += 1
n -= 1
n_bin = bin(n)[2:]
counter += 1
return counter
There is one edge case where the rule above does not hold: when the number is 3, or 11 in binary. Although this meets the criteria for the rule, adding 1 (and then dividing twice) is less efficient than subtracting 1 (twice).
You’re almost ready to make your move to destroy the LAMBCHOP doomsday device, but the security checkpoints that guard the underlying systems of the LAMBCHOP are going to be a problem. You were able to take one down without tripping any alarms, which is great! Except that as Commander Lambda’s assistant, you’ve learned that the checkpoints are about to come under automated review, which means that your sabotage will be discovered and your cover blown - unless you can trick the automated review system.
To trick the system, you’ll need to write a program to return the same security checksum that the guards would have after they would have checked all the workers through. Fortunately, Commander Lambda’s desire for efficiency won’t allow for hours-long lines, so the checkpoint guards have found ways to quicken the pass-through rate. Instead of checking each and every worker coming through, the guards instead go over everyone in line while noting their security IDs, then allow the line to fill back up. Once they’ve done that they go over the line again, this time leaving off the last worker. They continue doing this, leaving off one more worker from the line each time but recording the security IDs of those they do check, until they skip the entire line, at which point they XOR the IDs of all the workers they noted into a checksum and then take off for lunch. Fortunately, the workers’ orderly nature causes them to always line up in numerical order without any gaps.
For example, if the first worker in line has ID 0 and the security checkpoint line holds three workers, the process would look like this:
0 1 2 /
3 4 / 5
6 / 7 8
where the guards’ XOR (^) checksum is 0^1^2^3^4^6 == 2.
Likewise, if the first worker has ID 17 and the checkpoint holds four workers, the process would look like:
17 18 19 20 /
21 22 23 / 24
25 26 / 27 28
29 / 30 31 32
which produces the checksum 17^18^19^20^21^22^23^25^26^29 == 14.
All worker IDs (including the first worker) are between 0 and 2000000000 inclusive, and the checkpoint line will always be at least 1 worker long.
With this information, write a function solution(start, length) that will cover for the missing security checkpoint by outputting the same checksum the guards would normally submit before lunch. You have just enough time to find out the ID of the first worker to be checked (start) and the length of the line (length) before the automatic review occurs, so your program must generate the proper checksum with just those two values.
This seemed like an easy problem at first: all you have to do is take the XOR of some numbers. Unfortunately, this naive approach didn’t work due to the strict time constraints that this challenge had. I needed to make the XOR more efficient. I achieved this through the use of two functions, each one employing a certain “trick” to make things faster.
def smart_xor_range(start, end):
start_xor = smart_xor(start - 1)
end_xor = smart_xor(end)
return start_xor ^ end_xor
The first function finds the XOR of a range of numbers, where the first number is start and the last number is end. However, it doesn’t simply XOR the numbers together. Instead, it uses the following property:
(0 ^ ... ^ start - 1) ^ (0 ^ ... ^ end)
= (0 ^ ... ^ start - 1) ^ (0 ^ ... ^ start - 1 ^ start ^ ... ^ end)
= start ^ ... ^ end
Now you might think that this is even more inefficient: after all it requires finding the XOR of even more numbers! That would be the case, if not for the fact that there’s a little trick we can use, which brings us to the next function…
def smart_xor(number):
remainder = (number + 1) % 4
if remainder == 0:
return 0
elif remainder == 1:
return number
elif remainder == 2:
return 1
elif remainder == 3:
return number + 1
print("Error @ smart_xor({})!".format(number))
The second function finds the XOR of all the numbers from 0 to number (inclusive). However, it does this without doing a single XOR operation! Before I explain how it works, let’s lay down some groundwork.
- The XOR operation, when applied to two binary numbers, returns a 0 where the bits are the same, and a 1 where the bits are different.
- An even number in binary has the last bit equal to 0.
- 2n ^ (2n + 1) = 1, because all the bits are the same except for the last one.
Therefore, we can pair up numbers in the sequence as follows:
0 ^ 1 (= 1)
2 ^ 3 (= 1)
4 ^ 5 (= 1)
6 ^ 7 (= 1), and so on.
Each pair of pairs will cancel each other out (1 ^ 1 = 0). There can be four different cases, depending on how many numbers are in the sequence (the number of numbers is equal to number + 1, since we include the 0 at the start):
- (number + 1) % 4 == 0.
We can successfully pair up all numbers and pair up all pairs. The result is 0. - (number + 1) % 4 == 1.
After pairing up numbers and pairing up all pairs, there is one number left. The result is the number. - (number + 1) % 4 == 2.
After pairing up all numbers and pairing up pairs, there is one pair left. The result is 1. - (number + 1) % 4 == 3.
After pairing up numbers and pairing up pairs, there is one pair and one number left. The result is 1 ^ number. However, in this case the number left over is always an even number (if it was odd, it would’ve been paired up) and 1 ^ 2n == 2n + 1 (it just flips the last bit from 0 to 1). Therefore the result is number + 1.
Now all the pieces of the puzzle are in place. We can very quickly find 0 ^ … ^ number, which allows us to quickly find start ^ … ^ end. All that’s left to do is to call the functions on each line in the queue and XOR the results together.
def solution(start, length):
line_ranges = []
cut_off = length
while cut_off != 0:
line_ranges.append((start, start + cut_off - 1))
start += length
cut_off -= 1
checksum = 0
for start, end in line_ranges:
checksum ^= smart_xor_range(start, end)
return checksum
You’re so close to destroying the LAMBCHOP doomsday device you can taste it! But in order to do so, you need to deploy special self-replicating bombs designed for you by the brightest scientists on Bunny Planet. There are two types: Mach bombs (M) and Facula bombs (F). The bombs, once released into the LAMBCHOP’s inner workings, will automatically deploy to all the strategic points you’ve identified and destroy them at the same time.
But there’s a few catches. First, the bombs self-replicate via one of two distinct processes: Every Mach bomb retrieves a sync unit from a Facula bomb; for every Mach bomb, a Facula bomb is created; Every Facula bomb spontaneously creates a Mach bomb.
For example, if you had 3 Mach bombs and 2 Facula bombs, they could either produce 3 Mach bombs and 5 Facula bombs, or 5 Mach bombs and 2 Facula bombs. The replication process can be changed each cycle.
Second, you need to ensure that you have exactly the right number of Mach and Facula bombs to destroy the LAMBCHOP device. Too few, and the device might survive. Too many, and you might overload the mass capacitors and create a singularity at the heart of the space station - not good!
And finally, you were only able to smuggle one of each type of bomb - one Mach, one Facula - aboard the ship when you arrived, so that’s all you have to start with. (Thus it may be impossible to deploy the bombs to destroy the LAMBCHOP, but that’s not going to stop you from trying!)
You need to know how many replication cycles (generations) it will take to generate the correct amount of bombs to destroy the LAMBCHOP. Write a function solution(M, F) where M and F are the number of Mach and Facula bombs needed. Return the fewest number of generations (as a string) that need to pass before you’ll have the exact number of bombs necessary to destroy the LAMBCHOP, or the string “impossible” if this can’t be done! M and F will be string representations of positive integers no larger than 10^50. For example, if M = “2” and F = “1”, one generation would need to pass, so the solution would be “1”. However, if M = “2” and F = “4”, it would not be possible.
This challenge was the opposite of the previous one: it seemed difficult at first, but ended up being rather easy. The key was to look at the problem from a different perspective: working backwards instead of working forwards. This was something I learnt from doing other coding challenges in the past. Sometimes, it is much easier to work your way backwards, instead of working your way forwards.
This was one such case. When starting with 1 Mach bomb and 1 Facula bomb, you have two options available to you at each step (the two replication processes). It is not clear which one you should choose. However, if you start at the required number of bombs, M and F, and work backwards, there is only one option available. One of the numbers will always be bigger than the other (it is impossible for the numbers to be the same except for right at the start). Since you cannot have a negative number of bombs, the only option is to subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Repeat this process and you will either end up with 1 of each type of bomb (a success), or one of the bomb types will be <= 0, which indicates that the desired number of bombs is impossible to achieve.
def solution(x, y):
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
if (x % 2) == 0 and (y % 2) == 0:
return "impossible"
if (x == y) and (x != 1) and (y != 1):
return "impossible"
counter = 0
while x >= 1 and y >= 1:
if x == 1 and y == 1:
return str(counter)
elif x == 1:
counter += y - 1
y = 1
elif y == 1:
counter += x - 1
x = 1
elif x > y:
quotient = int(x / y)
counter += quotient
x -= y * quotient
elif y > x:
quotient = int(y / x)
counter += quotient
y -= x * quotient
return "impossible"
My solution uses a couple of tricks to speed things up - don’t worry, they’re not as complicated as the tricks used in the previous challenge!
First of all, I noticed that it’s impossible to have both bomb types be even numbers. You start with two odd numbers, which add together to make an even number. An even number + an odd number will result in an odd number. So you can never end up with two even numbers.
As mentioned previously, the desired number of bombs of each type cannot be the same (except for the start). For this to be true, one of the bomb types would need to be 0, which is impossible.
If the number of bombs of one of the types is 1, all that remains to be done is to continuously subtract 1 from the other bomb type. This will happen until the other bomb type is also 1. The program does all of this in one go, modifying the value of the counter and the number of bombs accordingly.
When subtracting one bomb type from the other, it might be possible to do multiple consecutive subtractions. For example, (11, 3) –> (8, 3) –> (5, 3) –> (2, 3). This is also done in one go, with all values updated accordingly. Note that this situation is distinct from the one described above, as the code would not work correctly if one of the bomb types is 1.
Level 4
The time for the mass escape has come, and you need to distract the guards so that the bunny prisoners can make it out! Unfortunately for you, they’re watching the bunnies closely. Fortunately, this means they haven’t realized yet that the space station is about to explode due to the destruction of the LAMBCHOP doomsday device. Also fortunately, all that time you spent working as first a minion and then a henchman means that you know the guards are fond of bananas. And gambling. And thumb wrestling.
The guards, being bored, readily accept your suggestion to play the Banana Games.
You will set up simultaneous thumb wrestling matches. In each match, two guards will pair off to thumb wrestle. The guard with fewer bananas will bet all their bananas, and the other guard will match the bet. The winner will receive all of the bet bananas. You don’t pair off guards with the same number of bananas (you will see why, shortly). You know enough guard psychology to know that the one who has more bananas always gets over-confident and loses. Once a match begins, the pair of guards will continue to thumb wrestle and exchange bananas, until both of them have the same number of bananas. Once that happens, both of them will lose interest and go back to guarding the prisoners, and you don’t want THAT to happen!
For example, if the two guards that were paired started with 3 and 5 bananas, after the first round of thumb wrestling they will have 6 and 2 (the one with 3 bananas wins and gets 3 bananas from the loser). After the second round, they will have 4 and 4 (the one with 6 bananas loses 2 bananas). At that point they stop and get back to guarding.
How is all this useful to distract the guards? Notice that if the guards had started with 1 and 4 bananas, then they keep thumb wrestling! 1, 4 -> 2, 3 -> 4, 1 -> 3, 2 -> 1, 4 and so on.
Now your plan is clear. You must pair up the guards in such a way that the maximum number of guards go into an infinite thumb wrestling loop!
Write a function solution(banana_list) which, given a list of positive integers depicting the amount of bananas the each guard starts with, returns the fewest possible number of guards that will be left to watch the prisoners. Element i of the list will be the number of bananas that guard i (counting from 0) starts with.
The number of guards will be at least 1 and not more than 100, and the number of bananas each guard starts with will be a positive integer no more than 1073741823 (i.e. 2^30 -1). Some of them stockpile a LOT of bananas.
If level 3 challenges were tricky, level 4 challenges were outright difficult. Up to now, programming skills and creativity were enough to get by. However, level 4 required some more complicated computer science knowledge to solve.
The first function I wrote for this challenge simply simulated a wrestling match between two guards.
def wrestle(banana1, banana2):
bet = min(banana1, banana2)
if banana1 == bet:
banana1 += bet
banana2 -= bet
elif banana2 == bet:
banana2 += bet
banana1 -= bet
return banana1, banana2
Next, I had to determine whether two guards would continue to wrestle indefinitely. Initially, I used a similar approach to the one I used in hey-i-already-did-that. However, this proved to be too inefficient for this challenge. I could not figure out how to make it faster, so I had to get some help from the Internet. As it turns out, there was another trick that could be used here to quickly determine if the wrestling matches form a cycle.
For each wrestling match, you had to work out the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers (i.e. of the number of bananas each guard has). If the GCD did not change between wrestling matches, then the sequence would not terminate and the guards would always continue to wrestle. Otherwise, if the number of bananas each guard has becomes the same, than the wrestling comes to a stop.
def find_gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def infinite_wrestle(banana1, banana2):
previous_gcd = 0
new_gcd = find_gcd(banana1, banana2)
# If the gcd does not change, the sequence will not terminate.
while (previous_gcd != new_gcd) and (banana1 != banana2):
banana1, banana2 = wrestle(banana1, banana2)
previous_gcd = new_gcd
new_gcd = find_gcd(banana1, banana2)
return banana1 != banana2
Now I could determine whether a pair of guards will get stuck wrestling, but I still had to work out the best way of pairing them up. During my time at university, I learned about flow graphs and how a surprising number of problems could be solved by modelling them as a flow graph and finding the maximum flow. I created a method that constructs a graph where nodes represent guards and an edge between two nodes symbolises that the two guards will wrestle indefinitely.
def construct_graph(banana_list):
vertices = []
edges = []
for index1 in range(len(banana_list)):
for index2 in range(len(banana_list)):
if infinite_wrestle(banana_list[index1], banana_list[index2]):
edges.append((index1, index2))
return vertices, edges
However, I quickly realised that what I actually needed to find was a maximum matching in the graph. I had not learned any such algorithms at university, but I soon found out about Edmonds’ Blossom algorithm. While I understood roughly what the algorithm did and how it worked, my understanding wasn’t deep enough to correctly implement it myself. Instead, I found a Python implementation online.
Now I had everything I needed. I used Edmonds’ Blossom algorithm to find a maximum matching in the graph I had constructed. The maximum matching told me how many guards I could pair up so that they would be distracted wrestling. I then returned the remaining number of guards.
def solution(banana_list):
vertices, edges = construct_graph(banana_list)
if len(edges) == 0:
return len(banana_list)
matching = EdmondsBlossom(vertices, edges).edmonds_blossom()
return len(banana_list) - len(matching)
You and your rescued bunny prisoners need to get out of this collapsing death trap of a space station - and fast! Unfortunately, some of the bunnies have been weakened by their long imprisonment and can’t run very fast. Their friends are trying to help them, but this escape would go a lot faster if you also pitched in. The defensive bulkhead doors have begun to close, and if you don’t make it through in time, you’ll be trapped! You need to grab as many bunnies as you can and get through the bulkheads before they close.
The time it takes to move from your starting point to all of the bunnies and to the bulkhead will be given to you in a square matrix of integers. Each row will tell you the time it takes to get to the start, first bunny, second bunny, …, last bunny, and the bulkhead in that order. The order of the rows follows the same pattern (start, each bunny, bulkhead). The bunnies can jump into your arms, so picking them up is instantaneous, and arriving at the bulkhead at the same time as it seals still allows for a successful, if dramatic, escape. (Don’t worry, any bunnies you don’t pick up will be able to escape with you since they no longer have to carry the ones you did pick up.) You can revisit different spots if you wish, and moving to the bulkhead doesn’t mean you have to immediately leave - you can move to and from the bulkhead to pick up additional bunnies if time permits.
In addition to spending time traveling between bunnies, some paths interact with the space station’s security checkpoints and add time back to the clock. Adding time to the clock will delay the closing of the bulkhead doors, and if the time goes back up to 0 or a positive number after the doors have already closed, it triggers the bulkhead to reopen. Therefore, it might be possible to walk in a circle and keep gaining time: that is, each time a path is traversed, the same amount of time is used or added.
Write a function of the form solution(times, time_limit) to calculate the most bunnies you can pick up and which bunnies they are, while still escaping through the bulkhead before the doors close for good. If there are multiple sets of bunnies of the same size, return the set of bunnies with the lowest prisoner IDs (as indexes) in sorted order. The bunnies are represented as a sorted list by prisoner ID, with the first bunny being 0. There are at most 5 bunnies, and time_limit is a non-negative integer that is at most 999.
For instance, in the case of
[ [0, 2, 2, 2, -1], # 0 = Start [9, 0, 2, 2, -1], # 1 = Bunny 0 [9, 3, 0, 2, -1], # 2 = Bunny 1 [9, 3, 2, 0, -1], # 3 = Bunny 2 [9, 3, 2, 2, 0], # 4 = Bulkhead ]
and a time limit of 1, the five inner array rows designate the starting point, bunny 0, bunny 1, bunny 2, and the bulkhead door exit respectively. You could take the path:
Start End Delta Time Status - 0 - 1 Bulkhead initially open 0 4 -1 2 4 2 2 0 2 4 -1 1 4 3 2 -1 Bulkhead closes 3 4 -1 0 Bulkhead reopens; you and the bunnies exit
With this solution, you would pick up bunnies 1 and 2. This is the best combination for this space station hallway, so the answer is [1, 2].
This challenge also required knowledge of graph algorithms. Luckily, this time it was ones that I was already familiar with. All the shortest-path algorithms that I used for this challenge were taken from my own GitHub repository of graph algorithms that I wrote while at uni.
The first function I wrote creates a graph where nodes are locations, edges show the possibility of travel between locations, and edge weights indicate the time needed to do so.
def create_graph(times):
nodes = []
edges = []
weights = {}
for start_index in range(len(times)):
for end_index in range(len(times[start_index])):
edges.append((start_index, end_index))
weights[(start_index, end_index)] = times[start_index][end_index]
return nodes, edges, weights
Once the graph is constructed, the program checks for negative cycles using the Bellman-Ford algorithm. If a negative cycle exists, then all the bunnies can be successfully rescued as there is essentially an infinite amount of time to do so. If a negative cycle does not exist, the next step is to figure out the best path between any two locations (sometimes it might be better to take an indirect path if it saves time). To do this, the program uses Johnson’s algorithm.
def solution(times, times_limit):
num_of_bunnies = len(times) - 2
bulkhead_index = len(times) - 1
nodes, edges, weights = create_graph(times)
_, start_parents, start_distances = bellman_ford(nodes, edges, weights, 0)
if not start_parents or not start_distances:
return [i for i in range(num_of_bunnies)]
_, parents, distances = johnson(nodes, edges, weights)
Now I knew the best way to travel around, but I still had to figure out which
bunnies to visit and in what order. I decided to use breadth-first search to
explore the solution space. To help with this, I created a class to represent a
possible solution. A solution keeps track of its location, which bunnies have
not been collected, and the time left. In addition, I created a move
which moves the solution from one location to another using the best possible
class Solution:
def __init__(self, num_of_bunnies, times_limit):
self.location = 0
self.bunnies_left = [i for i in range(1, num_of_bunnies + 1)] # Indexes of the bunnies in the times array.
self.time_left = times_limit
def move(self, new_location, parents, distances):
path = [self.location] + get_intermediate_locations(self.location, new_location, parents) + [new_location]
for location in path:
if location in self.bunnies_left:
self.time_left = self.time_left - distances[(self.location, new_location)]
self.location = new_location
I needed to know the intermediate locations along the route, because those locations could be bunnies that needed to be picked up. I wrote another method to do that.
def get_intermediate_locations(old_location, new_location, parents):
intermediate_locations = []
parent = parents[(old_location, new_location)]
while parent != old_location:
parent = parents[(old_location, parent)]
return intermediate_locations
Now I had everything I needed to start my search. I created a queue with a single, starting solution. I also created variables to keep track of the best solutions discovered. At each iteration, the program pops a solution off the queue. First, it checks if the solution is valid. A solution is valid if there is still enough time to move from the current location to the bulkhead door. Invalid solutions are discarded.
If the solution is valid, the next step is to check if it is the best solution found so far. To do this, the program simulates moving to the bulkhead door, since this might include picking up additional bunnies along the way. It then compares the number of bunnies left against the best known number. If the current number is better, it clears the list of best solutions and adds the current solution to the new list (the best number is also updated). If the current number is equal, it just adds the solution to the existing list.
The last step is to extend the solution by moving to a previously unseen bunny.
This is done by copying the current solution and using the move
function on
the copy for each bunny. The copied solutions are then added to the queue.
queue = [Solution(num_of_bunnies, times_limit)]
best_solutions = []
best_num_of_bunnies_left = num_of_bunnies
while len(queue) > 0:
solution = queue.pop(0)
# Check if the current solution is valid.
time_left = solution.time_left - distances[(solution.location, bulkhead_index)]
if time_left >= 0:
# Check if solution is best found so far.
bunnies_left = solution.bunnies_left[:]
intermediate_locations = get_intermediate_locations(solution.location, bulkhead_index, parents)
for location in intermediate_locations:
if location in bunnies_left:
if len(bunnies_left) < best_num_of_bunnies_left:
best_num_of_bunnies_left = len(bunnies_left)
best_solutions = []
elif len(bunnies_left) == best_num_of_bunnies_left:
# Extend the solution by visiting a previously unseen bunny.
for bunny in solution.bunnies_left:
copied_solution = copy.deepcopy(solution)
copied_solution.move(bunny, parents, distances)
Once the queue is empty, the search is over. Each one of the best solutions found is completed by moving to the bulkhead door (and possibly collecting additional bunnies along the way). Remember that the solutions were checked during the search to ensure that this move is valid. The lists of bunnies collected by the solutions are then aggregated and sorted. Finally, the solution with the lowest prisoner IDs is selected and returned.
bunnies_collected = []
for best_solution in best_solutions:
best_solution.move(bulkhead_index, parents, distances)
bunnies_collected.append([i-1 for i in range(1, bulkhead_index) if i not in best_solution.bunnies_left])
return bunnies_collected[0]
Level 5
expanding nebula
You’ve escaped Commander Lambda’s exploding space station along with numerous escape pods full of bunnies. But - oh no! - one of the escape pods has flown into a nearby nebula, causing you to lose track of it. You start monitoring the nebula, but unfortunately, just a moment too late to find where the pod went. However, you do find that the gas of the steadily expanding nebula follows a simple pattern, meaning that you should be able to determine the previous state of the gas and narrow down where you might find the pod.
From the scans of the nebula, you have found that it is very flat and distributed in distinct patches, so you can model it as a 2D grid. You find that the current existence of gas in a cell of the grid is determined exactly by its 4 nearby cells, specifically, (1) that cell, (2) the cell below it, (3) the cell to the right of it, and (4) the cell below and to the right of it. If, in the current state, exactly 1 of those 4 cells in the 2x2 block has gas, then it will also have gas in the next state. Otherwise, the cell will be empty in the next state.
For example, let’s say the previous state of the grid (p) was:
.O.. ..O. ...O O...
To see how this grid will change to become the current grid (c) over the next time step, consider the 2x2 blocks of cells around each cell. Of the 2x2 block of [p[0][0], p[0][1], p[1][0], p[1][1]], only p[0][1] has gas in it, which means this 2x2 block would become cell c[0][0] with gas in the next time step:
.O -> O ..
Likewise, in the next 2x2 block to the right consisting of [p[0][1], p[0][2], p[1][1], p[1][2]], two of the containing cells have gas, so in the next state of the grid, c[0][1] will NOT have gas:
O. -> . .O
Following this pattern to its conclusion, from the previous state p, the current state of the grid c will be:
O.O .O. O.O
Note that the resulting output will have 1 fewer row and column, since the bottom and rightmost cells do not have a cell below and to the right of them, respectively.
Write a function solution(g) where g is an array of array of bools saying whether there is gas in each cell (the current scan of the nebula), and return an int with the number of possible previous states that could have resulted in that grid after 1 time step. For instance, if the function were given the current state c above, it would deduce that the possible previous states were p (given above) as well as its horizontal and vertical reflections, and would return 4. The width of the grid will be between 3 and 50 inclusive, and the height of the grid will be between 3 and 9 inclusive. The answer will always be less than one billion (10^9).
Level 5 is the level that dealt the killing blow. I was able to create a solution that produces the right answer and passes most of the test cases, but unfortunately my solution was too inefficient to pass the last two.
First, I created a class to represent a pattern, i.e. a 2x2 grid that will result in either gas or space in the next time step. I then created a list of all the possible gas patterns and all the possible space patterns.
class Pattern:
value_to_string = {True: "O", False: "."}
def __init__(self, values):
self.TL = values[0]
self.TR = values[1]
self.BL = values[2]
self.BR = values[3]
GAS_PATTERNS = [Pattern([True, False, False, False]), Pattern([False, True, False, False]), Pattern([False, False, True, False]), Pattern([False, False, False, True])]
SPACE_PATTERNS = [Pattern([False, False, False, False]), Pattern([True, True, True, True]),
Pattern([True, True, False, False]), Pattern([False, False, True, True]), Pattern([True, False, True, False]), Pattern([False, True, False, True]), Pattern([True, False, False, True]), Pattern([False, True, True, False]),
Pattern([False, True, True, True]), Pattern([True, False, True, True]), Pattern([True, True, False, True]), Pattern([True, True, True, False])]
Like the previous challenge, I needed a class to represent a solution in the search space. Initially, a solution kept track of the whole grid. However, due to the way I was carrying out the search, I realised that I only needed to keep track of the height of the grid, the previous column and the column that is currently being ‘filled in’. I also needed a method for extending the solution by adding a pattern to it.
class Solution:
def __init__(self, height):
self.height = height
self.previous_col = []
self.active_col = []
def extend(self, pattern):
new_solution = Solution(self.height)
if len(self.active_col) + 1 == self.height:
new_solution.previous_col = self.active_col + [pattern]
elif len(self.active_col) + 1 < self.height:
new_solution.previous_col = self.previous_col
new_solution.active_col = self.active_col + [pattern]
return new_solution
Next comes the actual search. The way I did this is by sequentially building partial solutions that could turn into the current grid state. Initially, there is only one, empty solution.
The program iterates over the cells in the current grid, checking each one to see whether it’s gas or space to determine what type of pattern could have resulted in that cell. It then tries to extend all the partial solutions from the previous iteration; each solution is extended by adding each possible pattern that fits. In order for the pattern to fit, it must comply with the pattern above and to the left of it (patterns below and to the right will not have been added yet).
def solution(g):
height = len(g)
width = len(g[0])
solutions = [Solution(height)]
new_solutions = []
patterns = []
top_pattern = None
left_pattern = None
for width_index in range(width):
for height_index in range(height):
new_solutions = []
# Determine which patterns to use.
patterns = GAS_PATTERNS if g[height_index][width_index] else SPACE_PATTERNS
# Extend the existing solution(s).
for solution in solutions:
if height_index < len(solution.previous_col):
left_pattern = solution.previous_col[height_index]
if len(solution.active_col) > 0:
top_pattern = solution.active_col[-1]
for pattern in patterns:
if width_index == 0:
if height_index == 0:
# First column and first row, no need to check left or up.
# First column, need to check up but not left.
if top_pattern.BL == pattern.TL and top_pattern.BR == pattern.TR:
if height_index == 0:
# First row, need to check left but not up.
if left_pattern.TR == pattern.TL and left_pattern.BR == pattern.BL:
# Inner cell, need to check left and up.
if left_pattern.TR == pattern.TL and left_pattern.BR == pattern.BL and top_pattern.BL == pattern.TL and top_pattern.BR == pattern.TR:
solutions = new_solutions
return len(solutions)
The extended solutions are added to a list of new solutions. These new solutions are then extended again in the next iteration, and so on. Once the whole grid has been iterated over, the solutions will be complete. The number of possible grids that could have resulted in the current grid is simply the number of solutions at the end.
When I saw that my program was not efficient enough, I tried various things to speed it up. One such attempt was to change the search from BFS to DFS. I hoped this would reduce the amount of partial solutions that I would need to store. Instead of a queue, I now used a stack to store partial solutions. At each iteration, I popped a solution off the stack and extended it like before. Note that now I was only extending a single solution at a time, whereas before I was extending all solutions together. If a solution could not be extended (i.e. if it was complete), it was discarded and a counter was incremented to keep track of the number of complete solutions. Once the stack was empty, the counter was returned. Unfortunately, this version turned out to be even slower than the original… :(
def solution(g):
height = len(g)
width = len(g[0])
num_of_solutions = 0
stack = [Solution(height, width)]
while len(stack) > 0:
solution = stack.pop()
# Check if complete.
if solution.is_complete():
num_of_solutions += 1
# Determine which patterns to use.
patterns = GAS_PATTERNS if g[solution.height_index][solution.width_index] else SPACE_PATTERNS
# Extend solution and add to stack.
for pattern in patterns:
if solution.compatible(pattern):
return num_of_solutions
Another attempt tried to make checking for compatibility between patterns faster by precomputing all compatible pattern combinations. This way, whenever a solution is extended, it doesn’t need to check for compatibility itself: it just consults a dictionary, which returns all the patterns that are compatible for that combination of top pattern, left pattern and gas/space. However, this version also failed to provide a significant speed increase (on the bright side, it didn’t provide a speed decrease).
def solution(g):
compatible_patterns_gas, compatible_patterns_space = compute_compatible_patterns()
compatible_patterns = None
height = len(g)
width = len(g[0])
solutions = [Solution(height)]
new_solutions = []
top_pattern = None
left_pattern = None
patterns = []
for width_index in range(width):
for height_index in range(height):
compatible_patterns = compatible_patterns_gas if g[height_index][width_index] else compatible_patterns_space
new_solutions = []
# Extend the existing solution(s).
for solution in solutions:
if height_index < len(solution.previous_col):
left_pattern = solution.previous_col[height_index]
left_pattern = None
if len(solution.active_col) > 0:
top_pattern = solution.active_col[-1]
top_pattern = None
patterns = compatible_patterns[top_pattern, left_pattern]
for pattern in patterns:
return len(solutions)
I tried some other things, big and small, but ultimately none of them were enough. I was out of time and out of ideas. Since I did not pass all the test cases, I did not successfully complete this level. My foobar journey was over: so close to the end, and yet so far.
Even though I wasn’t able to successfully complete all the levels, I still very much enjoyed taking part in this challenge. Not only did I learn new things (such as Edmonds’ Blossom algorithm, interesting properties of XOR, cellular automata, etc.), but I simply enjoyed challenging myself and problem solving. I believe that’s what programming is all about and it’s why I love it so much.